Star Rating Challenge

Problem Description

Create a reusable star rating component that allows users to select a rating between 1 and 5 stars. The component should provide both interactive functionality and visual feedback.


  • The component must accept a rating prop, which specifies the current rating as a number (1-5).
  • It should provide an onChange prop, a callback function that is invoked whenever the user changes the rating.
  • Stars should have three visual states:
    1. Empty (default/unselected state)
    2. Filled (selected state)
    3. Highlighted (hover state)
  • While hovering over a star, all stars up to the hovered one should visually indicate the hover state by changing color to yellow.
  • Clicking on a star should update the rating corresponding to the clicked star.

Example Usage


  • Add animation/transition effects when changing star states
  • Accessibility Features:
    • The component should be navigable using keyboard (Arrow keys)
    • Implement proper ARIA labels and roles for screen readers
  • Make the component customizable (size, number of stars)
  • Write unit tests (eg: using vitest)

Getting Started

You can create a new project or use our CLI tool to use the starter template.

First Time Setup

Start Working

The starter template includes React and necessary tooling to get you started quickly.


To view the reference solution:

Try to solve the challenge on your own first! The reference solution is there to help you learn and compare approaches.

How to Review Your Solution

  • axe-core is pre-integrated in the starter template. To use it:
  1. Open your browser's Developer Tools (F12)
  2. Check the Console tab while using your app
  3. Review and fix accessibility errors that appear (ignore minor errors)
  • Test your app with keyboard to ensure full keyboard navigation (if applicable)

  • Add ARIA labels to make your app understandable by screen readers

  • Use Claude for a final accessibility & quality check.

    Example Prompt for Claude:

    Then paste your code..

How to Share Your Solution

Only share your solution if you believe it's high quality and others can learn from it.

If you used the CLI tool

  1. Fork the frontend-challenges repository
  2. Add your fork as a new remote to your existing solution:
  3. Open a pull request (PR) from your fork to the main repository.

If you started from scratch

  1. Fork the frontend-challenges repository and clone it
  2. Navigate to the solution directory:
  3. Add your solution files in this directory
  4. Push your changes to your fork
  5. Open a pull request (PR) to contribute your solution

Need help?

Expected Result

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